Vitamin E and Alzheimer's Disease
Vitamin E reduces the amount of Cholinesterase in the brain. Cholinesterase damages the brain and is believed to contribute to Alzheimer's disease.
Researchers concluded that Vitamin E "Slows the progression of Alzheimer's".
Vitamin E & The Brain
Vitamin E is an important nutrient which performs a wide range of functions in the human body. Researchers believe that Vitamin E can help with Alzheimer’s because of its anti-oxidative properties.
During Alzheimer’s disease, the brain is damaged by harmful chemicals called “oxidative agents.” Normally, Vitamin E prevents these oxidative agents from damaging the brain. However, research has shown that individuals with Alzheimer’s have unusually low amounts of Vitamin E. Some researchers believe that the low amounts of Vitamin E allow the oxidative agents to cause damage to the brain.
The Evidence, Research & Studies
Researchers at Columbia University conducted a study examining the effect of Vitamin E supplementation on 340 individuals affected by Alzheimer’s. The study concluded that supplementation with Vitamin E “slows the progression of the disease.”
Another study conducted by the American Veterans Affairs examined the effects of Vitamin E supplementation on 613 patients affected by Alzheimer’s. At the completion of the 24 month study, researchers found that individuals taking Vitamin E showed a slower decline and were able to complete everyday tasks that individuals in the other groups could not complete.